U.S. Marshals (1998)
Director: Stuart Baird IMDB rating 6.10 / 10 U.S. Marshals - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: airplane accident, chase, chicago illinois, chrysler building new york, cover up, covert operation, diplomat, escape, escaped convict, falsely accused, falsely convicted, federal marshal, fugitive, helicopter, interracial relationship, military, murder, police, sequel, sequel to remake, ship, sniper, spiral staircase, train, united nations |
Taglines: No one has seen anything like it...except for one maThe cop who won't stop is back. But this time he's chasing down a lot more than a fugitive. .US. MarshalsUS.. MarshalsU..S MarshalsU.S .MarshalsU.S.M arshalsU.S. aMrshalsU.S. MrashalsU.S. MasrhalsU.S. MarhsalsU.S. MarsahlsU.S. MarshlasU.S. MarshaslU.S. Marshasl.S. MarshalsUS. MarshalsU.. MarshalsU.S MarshalsU.S.MarshalsU.S. arshalsU.S. MrshalsU.S. MashalsU.S. MarhalsU.S. MarsalsU.S. MarshlsU.S. MarshasU.S. MarshalUU.S. MarshalsU..S. MarshalsU.SS. MarshalsU.S.. MarshalsU.S. MarshalsU.S. MMarshalsU.S. MaarshalsU.S. MarrshalsU.S. MarsshalsU.S. MarshhalsU.S. MarshaalsU.S. MarshallsU.S. Marshalss Plot: When a prisoner transport plane carrying Deputy Sam Gerard as an escort crashes, one prisoner, Mark Sheridan helps him rescue some trapped prisoners and then escapes himself. Gerard and his crack team of U.S. Marshals start their pursuit, but the simple fugitive situation soon gets more complicated when Gerard learns that Sheridan is no mere criminal and the story behind his incrimination becomes more and more suspicious. At the same time, Mark Sheridan is out to find out the truth himself while keeping one step ahead of Gerard |
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