Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
Director: Sergio Leone IMDB rating 8.70 / 10 Once Upon a Time in the West - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: anti hero, auction, bathtub scene, bloody body of child, broken dream, child murder, childhood memory, coat, coffee, corruption, dark hero, dead boy, dead child, dead girl, death of brother, dream, duel, epic, evil man, falsely accused, family slaughter, famous entrance, famous score, flashback sequence, funeral, gunfight, gunfighter, hanging, harmonica, imagery, land theft, man with no name, murder, murder of family, mystery individual, obsession, psychopath, railway, razor, revenge, saloon, scale model house, shaving, sheriff, shootout, showdown, small town, spaghetti western, straight razor, tempo, terminal illness, train, train compartment, train station, warrior, well, widow, windmill |
Taglines: There were three men in her life. One to take her... one to love her... and one to kill her. nOce Upon a Time in the WestOcne Upon a Time in the WestOnec Upon a Time in the WestOnc eUpon a Time in the WestOnceU pon a Time in the WestOnce pUon a Time in the WestOnce Uopn a Time in the WestOnce Upno a Time in the WestOnce Upo na Time in the WestOnce Upona Time in the WestOnce Upon aTime in the WestOnce Upon aT ime in the WestOnce Upon a iTme in the WestOnce Upon a Tmie in the WestOnce Upon a Tiem in the WestOnce Upon a Tim ein the WestOnce Upon a Timei n the WestOnce Upon a Time ni the WestOnce Upon a Time i nthe WestOnce Upon a Time int he WestOnce Upon a Time in hte WestOnce Upon a Time in teh WestOnce Upon a Time in th eWestOnce Upon a Time in theW estOnce Upon a Time in the eWstOnce Upon a Time in the WsetOnce Upon a Time in the WetsOnce Upon a Time in the Wetsnce Upon a Time in the WestOce Upon a Time in the WestOne Upon a Time in the WestOnc Upon a Time in the WestOnceUpon a Time in the WestOnce pon a Time in the WestOnce Uon a Time in the WestOnce Upn a Time in the WestOnce Upo a Time in the WestOnce Upona Time in the WestOnce Upon Time in the WestOnce Upon aTime in the WestOnce Upon a ime in the WestOnce Upon a Tme in the WestOnce Upon a Tie in the WestOnce Upon a Tim in the WestOnce Upon a Timein the WestOnce Upon a Time n the WestOnce Upon a Time i the WestOnce Upon a Time inthe WestOnce Upon a Time in he WestOnce Upon a Time in te WestOnce Upon a Time in th WestOnce Upon a Time in theWestOnce Upon a Time in the estOnce Upon a Time in the WstOnce Upon a Time in the WetOnce Upon a Time in the WesOOnce Upon a Time in the WestOnnce Upon a Time in the WestOncce Upon a Time in the WestOncee Upon a Time in the WestOnce Upon a Time in the WestOnce UUpon a Time in the WestOnce Uppon a Time in the WestOnce Upoon a Time in the WestOnce Uponn a Time in the WestOnce Upon a Time in the WestOnce Upon aa Time in the WestOnce Upon a Time in the WestOnce Upon a TTime in the WestOnce Upon a Tiime in the WestOnce Upon a Timme in the WestOnce Upon a Timee in the WestOnce Upon a Time in the WestOnce Upon a Time iin the WestOnce Upon a Time inn the WestOnce Upon a Time in the WestOnce Upon a Time in tthe WestOnce Upon a Time in thhe WestOnce Upon a Time in thee WestOnce Upon a Time in the WestOnce Upon a Time in the WWestOnce Upon a Time in the WeestOnce Upon a Time in the WesstOnce Upon a Time in the Westt Plot: Brett McBain is preparing a welcoming feast for the woman he married last month in New Orleans when he and his three children are gunned down by desperadoes. Frank, the most hardened villain, works for the railroad that will pass through the land Jill McBain has inherited. Will auctioning off the land quickly increase her odds of surviving? Harmonica gets the money for the high bid by turning in Cheyenne for the $5,000 award. And he keeps Jill, too, but seems more interested in settling an old score with Frank than either the land or the lovely widow. |
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