City of God (2002)
Director: K�tiaMeirelles, Fernando Lund IMDB rating 8.80 / 10 City of God - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: 1960s, 1970s, addiction, adultery, anal sex, ankle injury, armed child, arms dealer, arrest, auto theft, bakery, banana, bank robbery, based on novel, based on true story, beach, bicycle, black comedy, blood, blood splatter, bloody body of child, bloody violence, brazil, brothel, brother brother relationship, bus, bus stop, camera, cannabis, car accident, career criminal, chapter headings, chicken, child killing child, child murder, child uses gun, child with gun, children, city of god, cocaine, coming of age, conductor, crime boss, crime drama, crime epic, critically acclaimed, dancing, dead child, death, death of brother, death of father, domestic violence, drug addict, drug addiction, drug dealing, drugs, evil man, female nudity, fish, flashback sequence, forest, freeze frame, gang, gang war, gang warfare, gas, gay slur, growing up, gun, gun store, informant, interracial relationship, interracial sex, job, joint, journalism, journalist, juvenile delinquent, killer child, kite, loss of virginity, machismo, male nudity, male virgin, mass murder, mob violence, molotov cocktail, motel, motorcycle, murder, name change, narcissism, narration, neo noir, newspaper, nightclub, nonlinear timeline, oral sex, organized crime, pain, paperboy, party, photo journalism, photographer, photography, pistol, police, police car, police chase, police corruption, poverty, premarital sex, profanity, prostitution, psychopath, pusher, racial slur, rape, redhead, revenge, rio de janeiro brazil, rise and fall, robbery, scene during end credits, sex, sexuality, shootout, shoplifting, shot in the back, shot in the chest, shot in the face, shot in the foot, shot in the forehead, shot in the head, shot to death, slum, soccer, soccer ball, sociopath, split screen, street gang, street vendor, strobe effect, supermarket, swimming, talisman, teen, television news, title spoken by character, torture, tragedy, transit worker, uxoricide, violence, violent movie, virgin, volkswagen |
Taglines: 15 miles from man will do anything to tell the world everything.Based on a true story.Drugs Guns Music LoveFight and you'll never survive..... Run and you'll never escape.If you run it will get you. If you stay it will eat you. iCty of GodCtiy of GodCiyt of GodCit yof GodCityo f GodCity fo GodCity o fGodCity ofG odCity of oGdCity of GdoCity of Gdoity of GodCty of GodCiy of GodCit of GodCityof GodCity f GodCity o GodCity ofGodCity of odCity of GdCity of GoCCity of GodCiity of GodCitty of GodCityy of GodCity of GodCity oof GodCity off GodCity of GodCity of GGodCity of GoodCity of Godd Plot: Cidade de Deus (City of God) is a housing project built in the 1960's that—in the early 80's—became one of the most dangerous places in Rio de Janeiro. The tale tells the stories of many characters whose lives sometimes intersect. However, all is seen through the eyes of a singular narrator: Busca-P�, a poor black youth too frail and scared to become an outlaw but also to smart to be content with underpaid, menial jobs. He grows up in a very violent environment. The odds are all against him. But Busca-P� soon discovers that he can see reality differently than others. His redemption is that he's been given an artist's point of view as a keen-eyed photographer. As Busca-P� is not the real protagonist of the film—only the narrator—he is not the one who makes the decisions that will determine the sequence of events. Nevertheless, not only his life is attached to what happens in the story, but it is also through Busca-P�'s perspective of life that one can understand the complicated layers and humanity of a world, apparently condemned to endless violence. |
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