Armageddon (1998)
Director: Michael Bay IMDB rating 5.70 / 10 Armageddon - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: 8 track, asteroid, astronaut, bicycle, bicycle messenger, blockbuster, bomb, bravery, brooklyn bridge, chase, chrysler building new york, class differences, deep core drilling, disaster, drill, eiffel tower paris, entrepreneur, exotic dancer, father daughter relationship, forbidden love, gambling addiction, gatling gun, genius, gratuities, greenpeace, helicopter, hero, humor, lasersight, loan shark, machismo, media coverage, meteor threatens earth, misfit, moon, nasa, natural disaster, new york city, nuclear, nuclear weapons, obesity, oil platform, oil rig, paris france, psychologist, redneck, rescue, rorschach inkblot, sacrifice, self sacrifice, sex addiction, single parent, space, space shuttle, space station, street vendor, stripper, swimming, syringe, tattoo, title spoken by character, traffic jam, training, wedding, william tell overture |
Taglines: All the time in the world is all they've got.Earth. It Was Fun While It Lasted.For Love. For Honor. For Mankind.Heads Up!It's Closer Than You Think.No more taxes...ever.Nothing on Earth can prepare youPrepare to Fight Like There's No Tomorrow.School's out..... forever.Take the Ride of Your Life!The Earth's Darkest Day Will Be Man's Finest HourTime To Kick Some Asteroid rAmageddonAmrageddonAramgeddonArmgaeddonArmaegddonArmagdedonArmageddonArmagedodnArmageddnoArmageddnormageddonAmageddonArageddonArmgeddonArmaeddonArmagddonArmagedonArmagedonArmageddnArmageddoAArmageddonArrmageddonArmmageddonArmaageddonArmaggeddonArmageeddonArmagedddonArmagedddonArmageddoonArmageddonn Plot: A giant, global-killing asteriod, like the one that killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago is 18 days away from hitting the Earth. NASA's been caught with their pants down and needs a new plan to stop the rock. They enlist the help of Harry Stamper, an expert deep core driller, to train their astronauts and help them drill into the asteroid and plant a nuclear bomb. But Harry figures the astronauts can't be trained in time and opts to go with his own oil drilling crew. |
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