Cellular (2004)
Director: David R. Ellis IMDB rating 6.50 / 10 Cellular - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: airport, amusement park, attic, auto impound lot, auto theft, bank, beach, cabin, car accident, car chase, car jacking, cell phone, cellular phone, child in peril, claustrophobic, die hard scenario, facial, family in danger, fight, fishbowl, hitchcockian, honor, hostage, kidnap, kidnapping, lawyer, los angeles california, marriage, martial arts, metal detector, mother son relationship, murder, paranoid, phone call, pier, police corruption, police detective, police officer killed, product placement, psycho thriller, race against time, realtor, responsibility, rooftop, school, sledge hammer, strangulation, taxicab, teacher, tense, victim, video camera, video footage, witness |
Taglines: If the signal dies so does she. eCllularClelularCellularCelullarCellluarCellualrCellulraCellulraellularCllularCelularCelularCelllarCelluarCellulrCellulaCCellularCeellularCelllularCelllularCelluularCellullarCellulaarCellularr Plot: A young man (Evans) receives a call on his cellular phone from a woman (Basinger) who says she's been kidnapped, and thinks she's going to be killed soon, along with her husband and son who the kidnappers have gone after next. The catch? She doesn't know where she is... and his cell phone battery might go dead soon. |
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