Bad Boys II (2003)
Director: Michael Bay IMDB rating 6.10 / 10 Bad Boys II - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: black cop, blood, blood splatter, breasts, buddy comedy, buddy cop, buddy movie, bullet time, car accident, car chase, corpse, crime boss, cuba, death, dismemberment, drug dealing, drug lord, ecstasy, exploding body, exploding car, exploding house, explosion, fall from height, fbi, female frontal nudity, female nudity, gangsta grip, gore, guantanamo, gun, helicopter, hit by car, hit by train, ku klux klan, lasersight, mafia, miami florida, money, morgue, naked dead woman, nude girl, part computer animation, police, police chase, police officer, racial slur, racism, rocket launcher, sequel, severed arm, severed finger, severed foot, severed head, severed leg, sex, shoot, shot in the arm, shot in the butt, shot in the chest, shot in the ear, shot in the forehead, shot in the leg, shot to death, swat team, topless, torso cut in half, vomit scene, vulgarity |
Taglines: aBd Boys IIBda Boys IIBa dBoys IIBadB oys IIBad oBys IIBad Byos IIBad Bosy IIBad Boy sIIBad BoysI IBad Boys IIBad Boys IIad Boys IIBd Boys IIBa Boys IIBadBoys IIBad oys IIBad Bys IIBad Bos IIBad Boy IIBad BoysIIBad Boys IBad Boys IBBad Boys IIBaad Boys IIBadd Boys IIBad Boys IIBad BBoys IIBad Booys IIBad Boyys IIBad Boyss IIBad Boys IIBad Boys IIIBad Boys III Plot: Narcotics cops Mike Lowrey (Smith) and Marcus Bennett (Lawrence) head up a task force investigating the flow of ecstasy into Miami. Their search leads to a dangerous kingpin, whose plan to control the city's drug traffic has touched off an underground war. Meanwhile, things get sexy between Mike and Syd (Union), Marcus's sister. |
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