Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Director: Gore Verbinski IMDB rating 7.40 / 10 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: 1700s, anti hero, arrest, axe, based on theme park attraction, bat, beach, bell tower, bird attack, blockbuster, blowgun, bone, british empire, cage, canceled wedding, cannibalism, cannon, caribbean, castaway, cemetery, cgi, chandelier, chase, chasm, chest, cliffhanger, coffin, compass, crab, crow, curse, davy jones, death sentence, dice, dice game, dog, double cross, dress, drunk scene, escape, explosion, face slap, fall from height, father daughter relationship, father son relationship, father son reunion, fire, flaming sword, flies, gambling, ghost ship, glass eye, governor, gunpowder, hat, heart, hung upside down, island, jail, jamaica, jar, jealousy, key, love triangle, macaw, mace and chain, male drag, midget, monkey, murder, music box, native tribe, naval officer, no opening credits, old flame, organ, part of trilogy, peg leg, pendant, pirate, pirate ship, rainstorm, rescue, rope bridge, rowboat, ruins, rum, sea captain, sea monster, seashell, second part, self sacrifice, sequel, severed head, ship sinking, signet, skeleton, slavery, slime, snake, steampunk, superstition, surprise after end credits, swashbuckler, sword fight, telescope, tentacle, theft, treasure, treasure chest, twist in the end, undead, underwater, vomit scene, voodoo, wager, water wheel, whipping, wilhelm scream |
Taglines: iPrates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPriates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPiartes of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirtaes of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPiraets of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPiratse of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirate sof the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirateso f the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates fo the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates o fthe Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates oft he Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of hte Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of teh Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of th eCaribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of theC aribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of the aCribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of the Craibbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of the Cairbbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of the Carbibean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of the Caribeban: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of the Caribbaen: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of the Caribbena: Dead Man\'s 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of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead MMan\'s ChestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Maan\'s ChestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mann\'s ChestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\\'s ChestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\''s ChestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'ss ChestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s CChestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChhestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s CheestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s ChesstPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s Chestt Plot: Captain Jack Sparrow's life is in debt to the legendary Davey Jones, Captain of the Flying Dutchmen who are supernatural warriors out for blood. Facing possible eternal damnation, Jack must save himself with help from Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, who must come to Jack's aid. |
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