Airplane II: The Sequel (1982)
Director: Ken Finkleman IMDB rating 5.70 / 10 Airplane II: The Sequel - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: airplane, asteroid, aviation, bomb, commodore computer, computer, courtroom, disaster, flashback sequence, flashback within flashback, impotence, mental institution, psychiatrist, romance, second part, self referential, sequel, sequel mentioned during end credits, space shuttle, spoof, surprise after end credits, timebomb |
Taglines: For the ride of your life... All you need for Christmas are your two front seats!Just when you thought it safe to go back into the departure lounge. iArplane II: The SequelAriplane II: The SequelAiprlane II: The SequelAirlpane II: The SequelAirpalne II: The SequelAirplnae II: The SequelAirplaen II: The SequelAirplan eII: The SequelAirplaneI I: The SequelAirplane II: The SequelAirplane I:I The SequelAirplane II :The SequelAirplane II:T he SequelAirplane II: hTe SequelAirplane II: Teh SequelAirplane II: Th eSequelAirplane II: TheS equelAirplane II: The eSquelAirplane II: The SqeuelAirplane II: The SeuqelAirplane II: The SeqeulAirplane II: The SequleAirplane II: The Sequleirplane II: The SequelArplane II: The SequelAiplane II: The SequelAirlane II: The SequelAirpane II: The SequelAirplne II: The SequelAirplae II: The SequelAirplan II: The SequelAirplaneII: The SequelAirplane I: The SequelAirplane I: The SequelAirplane II The SequelAirplane II:The SequelAirplane II: he SequelAirplane II: Te SequelAirplane II: Th SequelAirplane II: TheSequelAirplane II: The equelAirplane II: The SquelAirplane II: The SeuelAirplane II: The SeqelAirplane II: The SequlAirplane II: The SequeAAirplane II: The SequelAiirplane II: The SequelAirrplane II: The SequelAirpplane II: The SequelAirpllane II: The SequelAirplaane II: The SequelAirplanne II: The SequelAirplanee II: The SequelAirplane II: The SequelAirplane III: The SequelAirplane III: The SequelAirplane II:: The SequelAirplane II: The SequelAirplane II: TThe SequelAirplane II: Thhe SequelAirplane II: Thee SequelAirplane II: The SequelAirplane II: The SSequelAirplane II: The SeequelAirplane II: The SeqquelAirplane II: The SequuelAirplane II: The SequeelAirplane II: The Sequell Plot: Years have passed since Ted Striker heroically saved many lives by avoiding a plane crash. Working as a test pilot for a new Lunar Shuttle, he gets innocently sent into a mental ward after a crash of the badly constructed, computer-navigated spaceship. When he hears that the exactly same type of shuttle is scheduled for a moon flight soon, he breaks out to hinder the launch. Aboard, Ted finds his ex-ex Elaine Dickinson working as stewardess again and her fianc� Simon, a member of the committee that wants the Mayflower I to be launched. In flight, the ship's computer ROK 9000 takes control, killing the crew. Ted and Elaine manage to switch it off, and now it is up to Ted again to save the passengers' lives - if there only wouldn't be these flashbacks to the war and these people who know Ted and have no faith in his abilities at all. |
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