Friday, September 12, 2008

The Matrix (1999) -

The Matrix (1999)

The Matrix
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Director: LarryWachowski, Andy Wachowski

IMDB rating 8.50 / 10

The Matrix - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

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Taglines: Be Afraid Of The FutureBelieve the unbelievablePerception: Our dayin, dayout world is real. Reality: That world is a hoax, an elaborate deception spun by allpowerful machines of artificial intelligence that control us. Whoa.Reality is a thing of the past.Remember there is no spoonThe Fight for the Future BeginsThe Future isn't user friendly...[Australian Poster]The Future Will Not Be User FriendlyThe Matrix has you.The World's population thinks it's real. On March 31st, they will see the "Real World".Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.Welcome to the Real WorldWhat is The Matrix?
hTe MatrixTeh MatrixTh eMatrixTheM atrixThe aMtrixThe MtarixThe MartixThe MatirxThe MatrxiThe Matrxihe MatrixTe MatrixTh MatrixTheMatrixThe atrixThe MtrixThe MarixThe MatixThe MatrxThe MatriTThe MatrixThhe MatrixThee MatrixThe MatrixThe MMatrixThe MaatrixThe MattrixThe MatrrixThe MatriixThe Matrixx

Plot: Computer hacker Thomas Anderson has lived a relatively ordinary life--in what he thinks is the year 1999--until he is contacted by the enigmatic Morpheus who leads him into the real world. In reality, it is 200 years later, and the world has been laid waste and taken over by advanced artificial intelligence machines. The computers have created a false version of 20th-century life--the "Matrix"--to keep the human slaves satisfied, while the AI machines draw power from the humans. Anderson, pursued constantly by "Agents" (computers who take on human form and infiltrate the Matrix), is hailed as "The One" who will lead the humans to overthrow the machines and reclaim the Earth.

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