Monday, September 1, 2008

Conspiracy Theory (1997) -

Conspiracy Theory (1997)

Conspiracy Theory
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance, Thriller

Director: Richard Donner

IMDB rating 6.40 / 10

Conspiracy Theory - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: bandaged nose, bleeding nose, brainwashed assassin, chase, chrysler building new york, cia, computer, conspiracy, conspiracy theorist, defense, fbi, fire, flashback sequence, groin kick, helicopter, hit in crotch, horse, horseback riding, hypodermic needle, justice department, lasersight, medical research, mental institution, mind control, motorcycle, murder, new york, new york city, newsletter, paranoia, paranoid, political, redeemed by love, secret service, sketch comedy, studio logo segues into film, subway, taxi driver, taxicab, torture, twist in the end, wheelchair

Taglines: Jerry Fletcher sees conspiracies everywhere. One has turned out to be true. Now his enemies want him dead. And she's the only one he can trust.What if your most paranoid nightmares had just come true?What you know could kill you.
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Plot: Jerry Fletcher is a man in love with a woman he observes from afar. She works for the government. Fletcher is an outspoken critic of that government. He has conspiracy theories for everything, from aliens to political assassinations. But soon, one of his theories finds itself to be accurate. But which one? Some dangerous people want him dead and the only person he trusts is that woman he loves but does not know.

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