Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Weight of Water (2000) -

The Weight of Water (2000)

The Weight of Water
Genre: Thriller

Director: Kathryn Bigelow

IMDB rating 6.00 / 10

The Weight of Water - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: axe murder, based on novel, based on true story, incest, independent film, infidelity, murder, photography

Taglines: Hell hath no fury...
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Plot: A newspaper photographer, Jean, researches the lurid and sensational axe murder of two women in 1873 as an editorial tie-in with a brutal modern double murder. She discovers a cache of papers that appear to give an account of the murders by an eyewitness. The plot weaves between the narrative of the eyewitness and Jean's private struggle with jealousies and suspicions as her marriage teeters.

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